Children Policies & Procedures Bruising and/or Injuries in Non-Mobile Children BSW policy on suspected bruising or injuries, in children who are not independently mobile Leaflet for Parents Responding to Bruising/Injuries in Non-mobile children Children Missing Children Missing from Home, Care and Education Settings Protocol Discharge Planning BSW Safeguarding Discharge Planning Protocol Early Help B&NES Early Help and Intervention Strategy 2021-2025 Escalation BCSSP Escalation Procedure: Resolution of Professional Disagreements in Safeguarding or Self-Neglect Decisions Exploitation Child Exploitation Risk Assessment Form (CERAF) Extra Familial Risk Harm Extra Familial Risk Pathway for Children and Young People Harmful Sexual Behaviour Children's Harmful Sexual Behaviour Protocol Managing Allegations Managing Allegations against Staff or Volunteers who work with Children Guidance Mental Capacity Mental Capacity Act 2005 Multi-Agency Policy Statement Neglect Multi-Agency Toolkit for Neglect Participation Children and Young People's Participation Toolkit Pre-Birth Multi-agency Pre-birth Protocol to Safeguard Unborn Babies Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy (SUDI) BSW Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy (SUDI) Policy Threshold A Guide to Thresholds in B&NES