Child Death Overview Panel

When a child dies, in any circumstances, it is important for parents and families to understand what has happened and whether there are any lessons to be learnt.

The responsibility for ensuring child death reviews are carried out is held by 'child death review partners', who, in relation to a local authority area in England, are defined as the local authority for that area and any ICBs operating in the local authority area.

Child death review partners must make arrangements to review all deaths of children normally resident in the local area and, as indicated, of any non-resident children who have died in their area. This should be done via a Child Death Overview Panel. 

The full statutory requirements and responsibilities are explained in Working Together to Safeguard Children (2023).

The West of England Child Death Overview Panel (CDOP)

The West of England Child Death Overview Panel (CDOP) is a multi-professional panel that covers the four Unitary Authority areas of Bristol, North Somerset, South Gloucestershire and Bath & North East Somerset. It is made up of representatives from a range of organisations, including health, social care and the Police. The CDOP also has representation from those with experiencing of losing a child or of supporting families bereaved through a child's death.

The panel's task is to learn from the circumstances of every death to:

  • Identify any changes which can be made that might help prevent further deaths.
  • Share the learning regionally and nationally, with other CDOPs and agencies involved in the process.
  • Identify trends and target interventions to prevent further deaths.
  • Identify learning and service improvements that will ensure that families are well supported.

The panel meets after all the information about the death has been gathered through the child death review process.

West of England CDOP Annual Report

The West of England CDOP is required to produce an annual report each year outlining the work of the panel and relevant learning from the cases reviewed to inform the priorities of the child death review partners.

Annual Reports

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