BCSSP Delivery Groups

What we do

The aims of the BCSSP are to ensure effective systems are in place to

  • promote the wellbeing of children and young people and safeguard them from harm 
  • safeguard adults with care and support needs, and
  • tackle crime, disorder and anti-social behaviour in B&NES

The partnership does this by

  • focussing on the impact of all types of abuse
  • learning and the dissemination of learning from national and local research and reviews
  • identifying indicators of the prevalence of types of abuse and assessing the progress of partners in tackling these
  • understanding the perspective of the communities we are supporting
  • performance monitoring and scrutinising the effectiveness of the arrangements
  • supporting communication and information sharing across our partner agencies

Professionals need to talk to each other and work together when they are concerned about a child, adult or community matter, and the partnership enables this to happen through the groups detailed below.

The partnership is supported to carry out its functions, including the delivery groups, statutory reviews and training delivery by a small Business Unit who coordinate the work of the partnership and provide independent advice.

You can contact the business unit through the contact us page.

Executive Board

Chair: Independent Chair

Purpose: To provide governance and hold the Partnership to account. The Executive Board sets the priorities of the Partnership and seeks assurance in respect of the effectiveness of delivery mechanisms and outcomes against the strategic plan; evidence of efficiencies and provides critical challenge. It also makes decisions about how the BCSSP budget is spent and if there are important decisions to be made about changes in the way we work to keep people in B&NES safe.

Community Safety Strategic Assurance Group

Chair: Avon & Somerset Constabulary

Vice Chair: Probation Service

Purpose: To have oversight of the partnership activity that contributes to the community safety statutory requirements and provide assurance to the Executive Board in relation to this.

Children's Safeguarding Strategic Assurance Group

Chair:  B&NES Council

Vice Chair: B&NES, Swindon & Wiltshire Integrated Care Board (BSW ICB)

Purpose: To have oversight of the partnership activity that contributes to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and provide assurance to the Executive Board in relation to this.

Adult Safeguarding Strategic Assurance Group

Chair: BSW ICB

Vice Chair: B&NES Council

Purpose: To have oversight of the partnership activity that contributes to safeguarding adults and provide assurance to the Executive Board in relation to this.

Practice Review Group

Chair: B&NES Council

Vice Chair: BSW ICB

Purpose: This group makes all of the decisions regarding and oversees the conduct of

  • Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews
  • Safeguarding Adult Reviews
  • Domestic Homicide Review
  • Single and multi-agency learning reviews

Practice Improvement Group

Chair: Royal United Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Vice Chair: B&NES Council

Purpose: To plan, co-ordinate, commission and evaluate quality multi-agency training to the community safety and safeguarding workforce; ensuring that the learning and development provided within agencies will suitably equip practitioners to safeguard children and adults; and contribute to the development of staff and organisations on a multi-agency basis.  

Domestic Abuse Partnership Board

Chair: B&NES Council Public Health

Vice Chair: B&NES Council

Purpose: To support B&NES local authority in meeting its duty under Part 4 of the Domestic Abuse Act. 

To support and advise provider agencies to ensure victims of all types of domestic abuse have access to adequate and appropriate support; and seek to improve outcomes for victims of domestic abuse, including their children, through a strategic approach to identifying and addressing gaps in support within safe accommodation services.

Community Safety Partnership

Chair: Avon Fire & Rescue Service

Vice Chair: B&NES Council

Purpose: Community Safety Partnerships are a statutory body required under the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 (and subsequent amendments), to 

  • Act as a legal body for CSP work, ensuring compliance with statutory duties and addressing community safety issues
  • Ensure systems and processes are in place amongst partners to deliver their duties and address arising issues
  • Set priorities, determine policy and strategic direction.

Adult Exploitation Delivery Group

Chair: B&NES Council

Vice Chair: Avon & Somerset Constabulary

Purpose: To develop, monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the multi-agency response to adult exploitation and seek assurance that all agencies in the BCSSP are actively addressing the issues of adult exploitation in order to better understand and reduce the number of incidents.

Child Exploitation Delivery Group

Chair: B&NES Council

Vice Chair: Developing Health & Independence (DHI)

Purpose: To develop, monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the multi-agency response to child exploitation and seek assurance that all agencies in the BCSSP are actively addressing the issues of child exploitation in order to better understand and reduce the number of incidents.

Education Reference Group

Chair: B&NES Council

Vice Chair: TBC

Purpose: This group promotes robust opportunities for working with the education sector, who we recognise are central to keeping children safe. It ensures that appropriate practices and procedures are in place, regarding safeguarding and child protection within educational settings.

Prevention & Early Intervention Delivery Group

Chair: B&NES Council

Purpose: To ensure effective delivery of early support for children, families and adults with care and support needs. This group has an all age agenda which focusses on outcomes to reduce the demands and needs for social care and specialist services. 

Self-neglect Delivery Group

Co-Chairs: B&NES Council (Children's Services) & B&NES Council (Adult Social Care)

Purpose: To lead on improving multi-agency practice in relation to concerns of self-neglect and seek assurance of developing practice; work collaboratively with partners to improve responses to those displaying self-neglecting behaviours.

Transitional Safeguarding Delivery Group

Co-Chairs: B&NES Council (Children's Services) & B&NES Council (Adult Social Care)

Purpose: Children’s services’ systems of safeguarding and support usually end at 18, but experiences of harm and trauma during childhood, youth and early adulthood may continue to affect people across the life course, with unmet needs requiring complex interventions later in life.

Safeguarding systems for children and adults are based on different conceptual, legal and procedural frameworks. The divergence between these systems creates ‘gaps’. This group leads on improving multi-agency practice and supports systems change across services for children’s and adults’ safeguarding.

Youth Justice Service Partnership Board

Chair: B&NES Council

Purpose: The Board provides the strategic management of the B&NES Youth Justice Service. It receives regular activity and outcome reports on key areas of service delivery, including Out of Court Resolutions, Policing, Speech and Language Therapy, Nursing, Education, the Compass Prevention Service, Harmful Sexual Behaviour and the Enhanced Case Management initiative.  

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